Hoozin is trusted by thousands of users worldwide
Role based workflows
To achieve productivity through Workflows we define key ingredients. First of all, Workflows create tickets. Each ticket can be viewed in a list view or Calendar view, depending on the use case. We define the roles, depending on the Customer use case. There are unlimited roles available, allowing defined actions such as approvals or viewing specific processes. The role setup is managed in the Admin portal and is part of the Workflow core design.
The approval process definition
Hoozin has deep experience in supply chain management allowing us to create long and complex Workflows, with the needed approval process. But we also deliver more simple Workflows such as Budget approvals and Business travel requests. At the requirements gathering stage, we are able to consult and even challenge the current Business logic. The entire flow will be designed from a Business logic approach. New Customers benefit from a great portfolio of Applications, for inspiration.
The actual request form
The start of any Workflow is the request form. We call this point zero of the Workflow. Hoozin applies or tailor makes user-friendly forms and speedy activation while processing data to verify the request. Everything comes complete with notifications and data previews.
The Admin
Any Workflow comes with many variables being drop-down lists, approvals, notification settings, and more. Organizations do not want to depend on Hoozin for any Business changes in their Workflow. The Hoozin Admin portal is designed for organizations to navigate ‘Vendor free’. New configurations and setups are achieved by config, nor dev. Some sample Apps can be reviewed on our trial Platform here…
6 simple reasons why
to use Hoozin
Bring Your Own Device
Work can be done anytime, anywhere. Hoozin is optimized for every single device.
Revamp your Intranet with a great CMS
Be more agile by streamlining access to your business applications and processes, or leverage the Hoozin SDK to easily build powerful new applications.
We know our industries
We serve any vertical. Governments, Oil & Gas, Aviation, Utilities, Healthcare, Non-profit, Retail and more.
Weave it in
Plug Hoozin to your IT infrastructure whether you are in the cloud or on-premises.
Don’t reinvent the wheel
Take a stroll through the Hoozin application or widget stores to leverage reusable productivity tools.
Start your Digital Workplace Strategy
Integrate O365, SAP, Salesforce, JIRA, Feeds or any other API based element. Make one or multiple Dashboards of integration.